Improv Niagara

Improv Niagara is improv comedy ensemble based in the Niagara Region in Ontario, Canada. They...

John Muirhead

John Muirhead is a Canadian troubadour, a campfire storyteller, and a big-hearted folk-rocker. From fingerpicked...

Mad Seedling

Experience local LoFi Chill at Mahtay on March 12th with the sounds of Mad Seedling....

MAMMARIES play reading

MAMMARIES   A play that explores the sometimes bumpy terrain of friendship, marriage, parenting, and...

LGBTQ+ Women’s Group

This is a drop-in event to meet, mingle and socialize with other like-minded women. Inclusive of...

Open Mic

Join in on the fun. Niagara's most popular Open Mic. Diverse, supportive and a whole...

LGBTQ+ Women’s Group

This is a drop-in event to meet, mingle and socialize with other like-minded women. Inclusive of...

Open Mic

Join in on the fun. Niagara's most popular Open Mic. Diverse, supportive and a whole...